What buyers would tell sellers if they could
Time and time again we hear the same complaints from buyers as we are out looking at homes. So before that For Sale sign goes up in your yard, consider this unfiltered feedback from buyers:
1) I don't want to jump through a million hoops
You want to sell your house, right? So why, why, why are you making it so hard for me to see it?
I don't want to have to make an appointment. I don't want to have to squeeze in a showing between 2-4 pm while you're at the movies. I don't really want to hassle with giving two hours' notice. Like you I have a job and obligations that I also have to meet. And I'm looking at a lot of houses. All of your limitations on viewing the house decrease the chance of me actually seeing it.
If you want me to see yours and potentially buy it, then remove all the barriers to me getting in.
2) Please go away
I just want to look at the house. I don't want you hovering over my shoulder or giving me a personal tour. This is a big decision, and I need to think about it and talk freely about it without interference from you.
And while we're at it, I don't really want to be recorded by your secret camera while I'm trying to have a candid discussion with my Realtor about whether this house is right for me. Spying on me with cameras means I'm going to step outside to talk to my Realtor, and if I'm outside then you lose the chance to keep me engaged and interacting with your home.
3) I can't see in the dark
I want to be able to see the home. If you have all the blinds and curtains closed, I can't really see anything. It makes your house dark and unwelcoming. And it makes me want to leave without really seeing the whole house. Open up those curtains and let the light in.
4) I'm easily distracted
I can get carried away looking at your personal stuff and totally forget to look at your house.
Ooooh, look where they vacationed! Ugh, why is there a treadmill in the middle of the dining room? That's an interesting collection of porcelain figurines... Those are not the things you want me to focus on.
Remove the distractions and pare down on the personal items so that I can actually visualize what it would be like if I was living in the house. So remove most of the photos, put away your vacation souvenirs, and arrange the furniture as rooms were intended to be used. Now I can focus on the house!
5) Don't try to fool me
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. If you're going to make some superficial changes to modernize your house, don't just install the cheapest thing you can find. Ugly tile is still ugly tile, even if it is new. And if you want me to pay a premium for your home, then I don't want to have backsplash that you bough on discount at Home Depot.
Oh, and I can totally tell when you've made cosmetic changes to make your home more appealing in photos while you ignored the big stuff like mechanicals or a bad floor plan. If you invest some time and effort in actually making important improvements, I will see the value in that.
6) You're house isn't the Taj Mahal
Yes, I know you love your home. But it's not the Taj Mahal, and it's not perfect. If you want to actually sell your house we've BOTH got to be prepared to give a little. So price it reasonably. Negotiate with me. And we can both come out winning.
We can help.
You're juggling a lot when you are trying to sell your home. Packing, cleaning, showings. We can help you keep all the balls in the air, eliminate some of the stress from the process, and attract potential buyers to your house. Reach out for your free, no obligation consult about our selling success plan today.
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