15 things we've learned from clients (Pt 2)
Earlier this month I shared some of the lessons I've learned working with clients over the last 15 years. Today, I'm sharing five more real-life experiences with you in honor of our 15th business birthday. These are stories I often share with new clients to help them understand the Austin real estate market a little bit better. I hope they help you too.
Real people, real lessons, real transactions. Check out these stories behind the sale.
6. Sold on staging
Over time I've realized just how important staging is to the sale of a home. When a buyer walks into a staged house they are able to imagine their life in that house as well. In our experience, staged listings sell faster.
7. The market: how it works
The way the market changes throughout the year often affects our clients' real estate transactions. In the spring the market is often friendlier towards sellers; the high demand for homes at this time of year means that sellers can ask more for their property. In the fall the market slows a little, which means buyers can be more aggressive in their negotiations.
8. Lady in the tub
We take our clients' privacy very seriously, especially after this bathtub incident. We advise our Austin home sellers to bring their lockbox inside when they need a little extra privacy from unexpected property showings.
9. Don't waste time
Don’t sit on an opportunity to provide help and value to a client. When a client is choosing between two agents, your readiness and willingness to help will be an important factor in who they end up working with -- especially if you show your value and don't waste their time with long sales pitches.
10. Price per foot
Because the lot and structure of the house can each add different value, a price per foot usually isn't as accurate. Don’t get caught up in the price per foot of a home.
Stay tuned for more stories behind the sale
We’ve got more videos to come in Part 3 of our stories behind the sale, so stay tuned or subscribe to our Youtube channel.
Did you miss part one of our stories behind the sale? Watch them here:
5 things we've learned from our real estate clients -- Part 2
Over the last 15 years of Homesville in Austin, we've learned a lot from our clients. ...